Hi! I'm Juni P!

Maker of mostly wholesome art and stuff!
I try to make inclusive spaces online. :)
I also sometimes stream art and do on-the-spot commissions!
The NSFW and SFW are separated, but still please respect this!
Minors WILL be blocked!
For commission requests,
please use the form in the Commissions section
(and please read the Terms of Service! Thank you!)
If you've given a Ko-fi donation, or are a Patreon supporter and have given your monthly contribution this month:Please use the
    MSPaint and Superfast Doodles
form to request your doodles!!!
Please consider visiting Support Juni?
♥♥♥ Thank you in advance! ♥♥♥


  • 2023-10-23:Dang, I really kinda fell off of updating this. Thank you everyone for reaching one of the previous milestones. I will try to do something good for it. Interestingly, though, the situation had changed, and the big move is now postponed. I have a house for a little while longer, which has given me the chance to do a LOT.
    - I think that I can make it if I can just get about $2000 USD in the next few days.
    - $1000 should be enough for the immediate, and the rest will carry me until my paychecks from a new job that I'm pretty sure I'm getting will start.
    - So... If you can help at all, please! I'm so bad at begging like this and I really want to finish this strong, so I can stop and just be normal again. Y'all have been so good, thank you.
    - Commissions are still open, and I'll be starting to actually complete them in earnest very soon. It's crunch time this week. So... if you feel up to that way of supporting, please consider it! And thank you!

  • 2023-08-18:OK COMMISSION FORMS ARE ACTUALLY OPEN NOW. Sorry, I swear I thought I had opened them xux... But they're definitely open now!

  • 2023-08-11: Commission forms are open again. Not taking regular commissions yet! But you can make a request if you want! Superfast and Ko-fi commissions are absolutely open though! Also I added a tracker to the main page! All Ko-fi donations, Patreon, commissions, etc will be covered in here! I'm thinking about what I can do at each milestone, pls let me know if you have any fun ideas :> Still have a ways to go for everything to be set up here though.

  • 2023-08-09: Welcome to my new landing page! It's still under construction so pls expect more updates <3

Juni's Doodles!

Find Me Everywhere!

You will be blocked!!!
Under Construction!I'm still building the site, and there's more stuff to do with all of these...
Check back in later for more links to all the socials!
Note: Twitter is here because I'll still be using it to give out notifications,
but I will not be very present there otherwise.
Also, I am awful at responding to messages on these platforms.
The #1 most reliable way to get in contact with me is via Discord DMs or in my Discord server!
(The server is in need of some renovations, so pls be patient with me there, but I still think it's a nice place~)
DMs are always open!

Art Streams!

Under Construction!I stream most often on Piczel or Picarto, but I want to get back on Twitch and do some Youtube streams too :)If you see me streaming art,
I'm almost always taking On-The-Spot Stream Commissions for Ko-Fi donations!
These are 'superfast' commissions, done quickly on-stream, sometimes in MSPaint.
Please see the Commissions page for more details!

Want to Request Art? Read this!
Request form at the bottom of the page!

Requesting a Commission (Pricing, etc)

  • Scroll through & read these Terms of Service and instructions before requesting any art!
    Art Request Forms are at the bottom of this page.

  • Submitting a Request Form is an attestation of having read and agreed to these Terms and Conditions of Service.

  • All requested work is bound by this list of Terms and Conditions.

  • If you have any questions, please ask me!
    My DMs on Discord are always open!
                ♥ ♥ ♥ Thank you! ♥ ♥ ♥

  • There are several request types available in the form below
    Please make sure you select the correct request type when filling out the form!


  • Regular commissions!
    ♡ Note: I'll be changing this pricing to be easier
        soon, but the general rate will still be the
        following if you want regular comms.
    ♡ This is the base price rule for work done.
    ♡ Quotes consider requested quality, characters,
        backgrounds, etc.
    ♡ Generally, with exceptions, this means:
        $5-$40: Mockups, Sketches, very simple images
        $15-$80: Linearts or Simple images
        $40+: Lined, colored, shaded images
        $80+: Polished images, comics, animations, etc.

  • "Superfasts" and MSPaint Doodles for Donations!
    ♡ Often done on-stream, on-the-spot
    ♡ Use if you've made a 1-time donation on Ko-fi, etc.
    ♡ Time spent on these is based on amount donated.
        HOWEVER: there's a ~1 hr cap on time spent!

  • Patreon monthly doodles!
    ♡ Patrons can request a doodle every month!
    ♡ If you're a patron, request your doodle here!

Licensing & Ownership of Works

  • All work is by default copyrighted to the artist.

  • The commissioner, with little restriction, may Non-Commercially use and distribute the work upon completion, unless licensing for commercial use has been agreed upon by all parties.

  • Unless otherwise decided upon via licensing agreements, all commission payments are specifically and only compensation for work hours rendered.

  • Commission payments are in no way for licensing or ownership of the finished work.

  • Additional licensing can be discussed and agreed upon by the artist and client at any time, including after the work is completed.

  • Any licensing and ownership will come with a corresponding cost, generally either a licensing/ownership fee, or an agreement for ongoing payments of residuals or similar licensing costs for use of the material.

General Terms of Service

    I will not depict them in any nsfw art, no matter the context.
    Additionally, I will not accept any commissions from minors.
    Generally this means I will auto-deny any commissions or requests from anyone that is <18 years old.
    DO NOT try to circumvent this.

  • The following form is for requesting doodles or commission slots. They are not, and should not be considered in any way, any of the following:
     ♡ A contract
     ♡ An order form
     ♡ A guarantee of any service whatsoever
     ♡ A guarantee of a response from me
     ♡ A guarantee of a reserved commission slot

  • Note: with Doodles for Donations or Monthly Patreon doodles, these will only be refused based on subject matter requested. However, this does mean that the request form is still not a guarantee of work done.

  • If I decide to move forward with your request, I'll contact you for next steps via your selected contact method.

  • There is no guarantee of any communication from me if I do not decide to move forward with your request.

  • I reserve the right to decline any request for any reason.

  • I reserve the right to refuse or cancel a commission at any time and for any reason.

  • In the event of a commission cancellation, if payment has already been sent before the cancellation occurred, all completed materials will be delivered and a refund prorated for the amount of completed work will be disbursed, if possible.
     ♡ NOTE: This is the ONLY situation in which a refund will occur.

  • As Patreon and Doodles for Donations are free, complementary doodles given as thanks for donations, there are no refunds to be given if the request is denied. Requests will mostly only be denied, however, in the case of the request being against the TOS, or something I am not willing to draw. In the event of the doodle request being denied, you can always request a different doodle that is more in line with the TOS or what I'm willing to draw. Feel free to ask about it via my Discord! I am willing to talk out requests if you're not sure.

  • I have disabilities that sometimes prevent me from working.
    For that reason, please know that there may be delays in completing commissions.
    Thank you for understanding, in advance. ♥

  • Commissions are NOT completed in a first-come, first-serve basis, but older commissions will generally have higher priority in my queue.

  • Currently I can only take payments via Stripe or Paypal.
    Apologies for any inconvenience.

  • Work will generally not start until payment is received.

  • For Superfast, MSPaint, and Doodles for Donations generally:
    The full project will begin and end fairly quickly, and the final product will be delivered ASAP. In some cases, there may not be any communication before the final product is delivered. This depends heavily on the request.

  • For regular commisions:
    After we agree on the project and payment is received, the following steps will occur (note that the steps may vary depending on the scope of the project and what we agree on):
     1. Thumbnails or design mock-ups will be completed and delivered for approval.
     2. Upon approval of a mockup/thumbnail image, work will begin on main project.
     3. Regular check-ins will occur, as agreed upon, to ensure the project is going as expected.
     4. The final product will be presented for approval, and on approval the project will be considered complete.

  • For larger commissions, the project can be broken up into smaller pieces, with individual payments, check-ins, and deliverables. This will all be discussed when we talk over the specifics of the project.

  • There is a max number of revisions allowed on any project.
    This number depends on the project's complexity.

Buy somethin', will ya?

Stores Coming Soon!

Support My Work

In my life, I've endured a lot of trauma, and acquired many debts in an effort to survive. I've been diagnosed with cPTSD, and have been told that I should get diagnosis for several other issues, which I have not yet due to costs of testing. I'm now finally able to try and stabilize myself. I have a lot of work left to do to reach this goal.I want to make inclusive, healthy spaces online for people. Most of what I've done with my online art in the past few years has been due to a therapist's advice. As a result of this, so much of my mental damage has healed. Safe spaces and sometimes kink can do so much to heal traumas.Due to disability and some other unfortunate life issues, I'm mostly unemployed, and am trying to support myself as best as I can with my art, at least until I can find better sources of income.Any support is incredibly impactful, and it means the world to me.

  • My GoFundMe!
    If you can, please consider sharing it around.
    Every bit helps. Thank you, in advance!

  • I do MSPaint or Superfast doodles
    for Ko-fi donations
    and Monthly Patreon contributions!

    If you have donated on my Ko-fi, or have contributed to my Patreon this month, please let me know on the Commissions page!

  • Please consider Patreon to support me monthly!
    I truly, truly appreciate that level of support! All contributions are eligible for a monthly Superfast or MSPaint doodle! If you have any other ideas on how I can reciprocate, please let me know! I'm always thinking of things I can do on Patreon <3